Sunday, March 20, 2011


3/20/11 - Good Morning Taos Sunshine!

Last year members of the American Bar Association held a conference here in Taos.  Art Friend Karla Matthews from Virginia arranged a studio visit for the spouses of the participants holding the meeting.  We all laughed and had a fine old time - one huge coffee klatch!  The next day some of the lovely ladies gifted me with one of the flower arrangements used as table decoration.  I put the flowers in my studio thinking I would paint them (you can see the paint tubes in the upper right hand corner). I photographed them instead.  Found the photo and decided this morning to pull a 15"x20" (image size) print.  It is beautiful!  Rich colors -- wipes away the winter blues!  This print is available for purchase - $65.00, free shipping.  Visa, Mastercard and Amex available through my studio for your convenience.  To order call (575)758-7454.

STUDIO NEWZ: Yesterday added new paintings available for purchase at the Collector's Gallery on my website at  Almost finished with the 36"x48" commissioned painting "Rio Chama at Abiquiu .  Am considering having an open studio weekend over the Memorial Day holiday.  If anyone is interested, just let me know.

Big Springtime hug to all Art Friends!  Donna    

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