©DonnaClair2007 - All rights of reproduction reserved.
18x18"Original Oil on Fine Artist's Canvas
Here is my second sitting with this painting - a combination of glazes and opaque colors (See Palette Set-Up). First I put in a thin wash of Payne's Grey over the top half of the painting. Sky and Snow Colors: Paynes Grey, Cerulean Blue - a little ochre -- and the best kept secret color - Holbein's Rose Grey. This color will be dominant throughout the painting. Also mixed some of these colors with Permalba White for the lightest areas. The Trees: Mars Black, Burnt Sienna, Indian Red -- Chrome Oxide Green Opaque for the smaller pinon trees.
I want this canvas to have a dreamy, just-waking-up-morning effect -- So once all the colors were all laid down, I took a large, soft watercolor brush and "blended" the whole canvas lightly.
This phase of the painting is now complete and I will let it dry for three or four days. Stay tuned to see this completed canvas.
If you have any questions regarding price and availability, please call my Taos Studio at (505)758-7454.
I want this canvas to have a dreamy, just-waking-up-morning effect -- So once all the colors were all laid down, I took a large, soft watercolor brush and "blended" the whole canvas lightly.
This phase of the painting is now complete and I will let it dry for three or four days. Stay tuned to see this completed canvas.
If you have any questions regarding price and availability, please call my Taos Studio at (505)758-7454.