Tuesday, August 14, 2012


STUDIO NO. 1712 -HIGH COUNTRY AFTERNOON - NEW WORK IN PROGRESS (UNDERPAINTING) - 24"x30 Original Oil on Belgian Linen.  Color notes:  - Colors mixed with MG Fast Drying White and Turp.  Sky - Indanthrone Blue/Payne's Grey.  Yellows:  Naples Yellow, Yellow Ochre.  Trees:  Chrome Oxide Gr. Opaque, Burnt Sienna, Prussian Blue.  Road:  Yellow Ochre, Holbein Rose Grey and Burnt Sienna.  Just finished this morning.  Will let dry for about a week before going in with glazes and opaque colors.  Enjoy!

Thursday, August 09, 2012


HOW I PAINT - Primed, stretched Antwerp Belgian Linen - 36"x36", with braces.  TONED GROUND:  Gesso thinned slightly and mixed with Payne's Grey.  Two to three coats.  Wait until each coat is thoroughly dry before applying the next.  Let canvas sit for about a week before beginning.


STUDIO NEWZ:  A thing of true beauty is a perfectly stretched canvas from Artisan/Santa Fe.  Antwerp Belgian Linen on heavy-duty stretcher bars with the back braced for sturdiness.  Blank canvas - Wow!  ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE! 

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

RIO CHAMA AT ABIQUIU - NEW 10"x10" Original Oil Painting

STUDIO NO. 1612 - "RIO CHAMA AT ABIQUIU", NEW 10"x10" Original Oil on Belgian Linen, Framed in Gold with Linen Liner.... $750 free shipping.  Completed 8/8/12.  Available. Call (575)758-7454.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


STUDIO NO. 1412 - "BESIDE STILL WATERS" New 30"x60" Original Oil (wrap around painting) - Completed 7/25/12  (Available) Call (575)758-7454

Celebrating 45 years as a New Mexico artist!  Here is an excerpt from my book Taking the High Road to Taos...   My sincere thanks to each and every Art Friend for their encouragement and support throughout the years....

"My first sight after crossing the border into New Mexico in 1967 was that long, straight stretch of highway out of Tucumcari. Off in the distance and moving toward the car was a huge black storm cloud with a column of midnight blue rain pouring from it. Later I learned that the Native Americans call this phenomena "Walking Rain". I was a big city girl with three babies, six month twin girls and a two year old son, on a mattress in the back seat of the car and I was heading to the rest of my life on this alien planet called New Mexico.

Forty-four years later, I believe that the quality of my life and my work are inextricably bound to the  spirit of this place and its people. My visits to Mexico and Guatemala elicit the same excitement and curiosity.  It has always been my intention that the paintings exude the same wonderful mixture of the past and the present through color and texture.

Gratefully I have found that "unspecified area in life" where I feel safe and serene - peace. Those accidental twists and turns have brought significant changes in my life.  It is so easy to resist that "Senda Desconocido" (The Path Unknown); with just a little courage one can head the pick-up truck down another unfamiliar dirt road."  Donna Clair Taos, N.M. 9/3/11

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

ASPEN SHADOWS - 6"x8" Original Oil (Sold)

100 Small Paintings No. 51 - ASPEN SHADOWS -  New 6"x8" Original Oil on Italian Gessoed Panel,framed $250, Sold
 AGUA NEGRA IGLESIA CATOLICO - 6"x8" New Original Oil - Sold

100 Small Paintings No. 50 - AGUA NEGRA IGLESIA CATOLICO - New 6"x8" Original Oil on Italian Gessoed Panel, unframed.  Sold

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

BESIDE STILL WATERS - 30"x60" New Work in Progress, the Underpainting

COLOR NOTES:  SKY:  Thalo Blue,Thalo Green, Titanium White - touch of Ochre.  Trees:  Prussian Blue and Burnt Sienna, Chrome Oxide Green Opaque.  Water:  Sky colors and some Indanthrone Blue and Chrome Oxide Green Opaque.  Grasses:  Yellow Ochre, Aliz. Crimson, Burnt Sienna.  Stay Tuned!

Monday, June 11, 2012

"BESIDE STILL WATERS" - NEW 30"X60" Work in Progress

STUDIO NO. 1412 - NEW WORK IN PROGRESS BESIDE STILL WATERS 30"x60" Original Oil on Belgian Linen

Thursday, May 31, 2012

100 SMALL PAINTINGS NO. 49 - SANTISTEVAN LANE, 6"x8" Original Oil - Sold

NEW 3-DAY AUCTION - 100 SMALL PAINTINGS NO. 49 - SANTISTEVAN LANE, 6"x8" Original Oil on Italian Gessoed Board, Unframed. 

Sunday, May 27, 2012

100 Small Paintings No. 47 - JAKE'S LILACS (Sold)

#47 -  JAKE'S LILACS - 6"x8" New Original Oil Painting on Italian Gessoed Panel, unframed.  Completed 5/26/12  -- Sold

Friday, May 25, 2012

LILIAS DE TAOS - NEW 10"X10" Original Oil

Studio No. 1312 - LILIAS DE TAOS - 10"x10" New Original Oil, framed in Gold with Linen Liner.  (Available) This lilac bush resides in front of my house. The root stock goes back five generations to Mora, N.M.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

PERALTA ROAD, TAOS - NEW 12"x12" Original Oil - Sold

Studio No. 1512 - PERALTA ROAD, TAOS - NEW Original Oil Painting, Framed in Gold with Linen Liner.  Completed 5/24/12 - Sold

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

GARCIA PARK - New 30"x40" Original Oil, Framed. 

 Studio No. 1212 - GARCIA PARK, 30"X40" New Original Oil on Belgian Linen - Framed, Completed 5/22/12.  Available for purchase. Call (575)758-7454

Thursday, May 10, 2012

30"x40" Work in Progress - EARLY SNOW AT GARCIA PARK (Underpainting)....

COLOR NOTES:  Sky:  Ultramarine Blue, Payne's Grey, Titanium White.  Trees:  Various combinations of Cadmium Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Cadmium Orange,  Burnt Sienna and Chrome Oxide Green Opaque.  Shadows under Trees and Dark Soil:  Ultramarine Blue, Burnt Umber and Burnt Sienna.  Grasses:  Chrome Oxide Green Opaque, Cadmium Yellow, Cadmium Orange.  Snow:  Same as sky.  Water:  Sky colors and Cerulean Blue.  DC
EARLY SNOW AT GARCIA PARK, New Work in Progress (Sketch) 30"x40" Oil on Belgian Linen.  Initial sketch made on a Grisaille (toned ground - gesso and Payne's Grey) and sketch done loosely with Burnt Sienna and some Prussian Blue.  Stay tuned for step by step process!  DC

Friday, May 04, 2012


TAKING THE HIGH ROAD TO TAOS -- A new book from my Taos Studio.  From the dust jacket: "In 1967 Donna Clair began a new, adventurous chapter in her life by leaving Chicago and moving across the country to Santa Fe,New Mexico. Taking out her easel,  paints and brushes, she established herself as a well-recognized southwestern contemporary painter. Leaving the Santa Fe social scene in 1982, she moved to a 20 acre horse ranch on Llano Quemado - a "suburb" of the small Hispanic village of Truchas, New Mexico. These images chronicle her journey."

It has taken 45 years of living in New Mexico and a whole bunch of new technology for me to put this new project together!   This book measures 9"x11" and has 62 pages of text and illustrations of paintings.  What is so amazing to me is the fact that the colors of the reproductions are absolutely true to the original work! The book is hand-signed and can be personalized.  $100.00, plus $12.00 shipping. Please allow ten days for delivery.  To order call (575)758-7454 - Mastercard, Visa, American Express through my studio.  ENJOY! DC

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

AGUA NEGRA MISSION CHURCH - 16"x20 New Original Oil on Belgian Linen, Framed in Gold with Linen Liner.  (Completed 5/2/12) Available for purchase.


Friday, April 27, 2012

NEW WORK IN PROGRESS - "Agua Negra Mission Church" - 16"x20" Original Oil on Canvas.  Stay tuned!

22"x28" New Original Oil Painting