Thursday, July 24, 2014

ABIQUIU - New 40"x40" Original Oil - Sold

Studio No. 3314 - ABIQUIU - New 40"x40" Original Oil on Belgian Linen, wrap-around painting. $4000.00  Completed 7/23/14.  Sold

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

ROMERO ROAD IN APRIL, 11"x14" Original Oil - Sold

ROMERO ROAD IN APRIL (Tesuque Village, New Mexico) - 11"x14" Original Oil on Belgian Linen - Sold

ABIQUIU - 40"x40" Work in Progress - Underpainting with Color Notes

Studio No. 3314 - ABIQUIU - 40"x40 Work in Progress (Underpainting) - Color Notes:  All colors mixed with Grumbacher Underpainting White and turp.  Sky and Water:  Cobalt Blue, Turquoise Green.  Back Mountains:  Cobalt Blue and Dioxazine Purple.  Yellow Ochre and a dirty brush.  Earth:  Yellow Ochre, Burnt Sienna, dirty brush.  Trees:  Prussian Blue, Chrome Oxide Green Opaque.  Chamisa:  Cadmium Yellow, Burnt Sienna, Yellow Ochre.  Set aside and let dry thoroughly for about a week.

Monday, July 14, 2014

ABIQUIU - Sketch for new 40"x40" oil painting

ABIQUIU - Work in Progress - sketch on 40"x40" primed, gessoed and toned canvas.  Very loose "cartoon" with Prussian Blue, some Burnt Sienna and turpentine.


Blank is the end and blank is the beginning -- A whole new chapter - the front yard was full of magpies this morning - a wonderful omen. I learned a new word today - "hybridity" - and realized, yes I am a hybrid - a life lived in many layers!

Find your own way of doing things - this just happens to be how I begin a painting.  There is a "craft" to creativity! This is a 40"by 40" canvas - plan to block it in with a painting of Abiquiu - I use a fine textured/pre-primed Belgian Linen on heavy-duty stretcher bars.  Mix gesso with water to a medium consistency, add Payne's Grey for a light blue/grey ground - a "grisaille".  The toned ground eliminates a fight with the white spaces and nicely modulates the colors of the final painting. 

Friday, July 11, 2014

STUDIO CLEAN-UP DAY - 5 New Auctions!

Studio Clean-up Day - New Auctions as listed below - preparing canvases to block in new paintings this week. Would love to send my free Studio Newsletter to you, just send your email address (never shared). There is no obligation to buy and you can opt out at any time.  - Happy Friday! DC

TESUQUE BLUE, 6"x8" Original Oil - Sold

TESUQUE BLUE (Tesuque, New Mexico) 6"x8" Original Oil on Panel - Sold

ROMERO ROAD - 6"x8" Original Oil, Framed - Sold

 ROMERO ROAD (Tesuque, New Mexico) - 6"x8" Original Oil on Panel, Framed - Sold.

ABIQUIU - 6"x8" Original Oil - Sold

 ABIQUIU (Abiquiu, New Mexico) - 6"x8" Original Oil on Panel, framed - Sold.

Sunday, July 06, 2014


Simplicity, patience, compassion.
These three are your greatest treasures.
Simple in actions and thoughts, you return to the source of being.
Patient with both friends and enemies,
you accord with the way things are.
Compassionate toward yourself,
you reconcile all beings in the world.

- Lao Tzu, [Tao Te Ching]

Photo: Simplicity, patience, compassion.
These three are your greatest treasures.
Simple in actions and thoughts, you return to the source of being.
Patient with both friends and enemies,
you accord with the way things are.
Compassionate toward yourself,
you reconcile all beings in the world.

- Lao Tzu, [Tao Te Ching]

Wednesday, July 02, 2014


Studio No. 3114 - LA TIERRA DEL PUEBLO - 22"x28" Work in Progress (Glazes):  Color Notes:  Sky:  Cerulean Blue and Permalba White.  Distant Mountains:  Cerulean Blue, Permalba White and Cobalt Blue.  Take Bristle Brush after the basic painting - dip in painting medium and "spritz" into sky and mountains to create distance.  Trees:  Prussian Blue, Burnt Sienna, Chrome Oxide Green Opaque.  Highlights:  Cadmium Orange, Cad. Yello and Permalba White.  Foreground:  Thin to Glaze - Italian Pink, Burnt Sienna and Olive Green.

Tuesday, July 01, 2014

EL RITO DEL NORTE 20"x16" Work in Progress - Glazes

Studio No. 3214 - EL RITO DEL NORTE (Early morning, Garcia Park, Taos, N.M.) 20"x16" Work in Progress (Glazes) - Color Notes:  Oil colors mixed with painting medium.  Sky:  Cerulean Blue, Payne's Grey, Permalba White - Repeat for reflections on the water.  Aspens:  Yellow Ochre, Cadmium Yellow, Italian Pink.  Dark Grasses:  Prussian Blue, Burnt Sienna, Dioxazine Purple.  Soil:  Perylene Maroon mixed with Ochre Mixture, Cobalt Blue.  Now let it dry for a couple of days before finishing opaques.   

Thursday, June 26, 2014

LA TIERRA DEL PUEBLO (Taos, N.M.) - 22"x28" Work in Progress (Underpainting)

Studio No. 3114 - LA TIERRA DEL PUEBLO (Taos, New Mexico) - 22"x28" Work in Progress Underpainting.  Color notes:  All colors mixed with MGUnderpainting White and Turpentine.  Sky: Cerulean Blue.  Mountains:  Cerulean Blue and Cobalt Blue.  Greens:  Chrome Oxide Green Opaque, some Yellow Ochre.  Fields:  Yellow Ochre, Italian Pink.  Foreground:  Burnt Sienna - some Chrome Oxide Green Opaque.

Friday, June 20, 2014

WALKING RAIN, 24"x30" Original Oil - Sold

WALKING RAIN, 24"x30" Original Oil on Belgian Linen, unframed.  Completed 6/20/14. Sold

Thursday, June 19, 2014

WALKING RAIN - 24"x30" Work in Progress - Day 7

Studio No. 3014 - WALKING RAIN - 24"x30" Original Oil - Work in Progress - Day 7 - The Foreground.  Color Notes:  Highlights on the earth - Naples Yellow Pale, Yellow Ochre, Burnt Sienna - some Holbein Rose Red and Dioxazine Purple in the shadows.  Trees:  Permalba white, yellow ochre, chrome oxide green for the highlights - Prussian Blue and Burnt Sienna for the darks.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

WALKING RAIN - 24"x30" Work in Progress - Day 5

Studio No. 3014 - WALKING RAIN (Taos, N.M.) - 24"x30" Orig. Oil - Work in Progress - Day 5.  Color Notes: Dark Sky - Prussian Blue, Mars Black.  Lighter Sky -  Prussian Blue, Payne's Grey, Davy's Grey.  Lightest Sky - Permalba White and Naples Yellow Pale. Foreground:  Trees - Prussian Blue, Burnt Sienna and some Chrome Oxide Green Opaque.  Earth:  Burnt Sienna, Yellow Ochre, Holbein's Rose Grey, Yellow Ochre Pale.  

Monday, June 16, 2014


STUDIO NO. 3014 - WALKING RAIN (Taos, New Mexico) - New Work in Progress (Underpainting).  Color Notes:  All colors mixed with Grumbacher MG Underpainting White and Turpentine.  Sky - Variations of Payne's Grey, Prussian Blue, Cobalt Blue, Permalba White.  Foreground:  Earth - Yellow Ochre, Burnt Sienna.  Trees:  Prussian Blue and Burnt Sienna, Chrome Oxide Green Opaque.

Friday, June 13, 2014

INTO THE LIGHT - New 22"x28" Original Oil- Sold

 INTO THE LIGHT (In the Taos Mountains, New Mexico) - New 22"x28" Original Oil on Belgian Linen, unframed.  Completed 6/13/14 - Sold

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

TESUQUE BLUE, 11"x14" Original Oil - Sold

 TESUQUE BLUE, 11"x14" Original Oil on Canvas, unframed - Sold

INTO THE LIGHT - 22"x28" Work in Progress (Glazes)

Studio No. 2914 - INTO THE LIGHT - 22"x28" Work in Progress (Glazes - transparent and semi transparent colors, usually the darks of the palette mixed with painting medium and applied over the underpainting) - Color Notes: Pine Trees - deep, dark Prussian Blue and Burnt Sienna, some Chrome Oxide Green Opaque.  Road - Burnt Sienna, Ochre, Holbein Rose Grey, Cobalt Blue, Dioxazine Purple.  Scrub Oak - Dark Glaze "scribbled" over the red - Alizarin Crimson and Burnt Sienna.  Hope to finish this painting this weekend - stay tuned!