Tuesday, January 02, 2018

LA CASA AMARILLA - New 8"x10" Original Oil

Studio No. 618 - LA CASA AMARILLA (The Yellow House - Arroyo Seco, New Mexico) - New 8"x10" Original Oil on Italian Gessoed Panel, framed in gold with Linen Liner.  Preview Painting.

Friday, December 29, 2017

LA CAMPANA DE TAOS - NEW 8"x8" Original Oil

Studio No. 318 - LA CAMPANA DE TAOS (View from my kitchen window - Taos, New Mexico) 8"x8" Original Oil on linen panel, framed in gold with linen liner - now available for purchase - Sold

Sunday, December 24, 2017


LA NOCHEBUENA -  (La Nuestra Senora del Rosario - Truchas, New Mexico).

Monday, December 18, 2017


To Art Friends Everywhere!  Many of you have been with me a long time and know I love to send this greeting every year.  The original of this painting was "adopted" by some great friends and very prolific art collectors years ago and still resides in a lovely home in Taos.  The street in this painting is the main street in Truchas -- I walked to the post office from my little adobe house every day and still keep the memories of that special time and place very close.  The woman is the memory I've kept of my little Polish grandmother, Ella -- she carried a shopping bag with her everywhere -- those were her "gifts" her "surprises".  The words of Fra Giovanni never fail to inspire and uplift - especially at this time of the year.  From my heart I wish each and every one of you all the best of this holiday season -- Hug someone special today!  Sincere best wishes, Donna - Taos, New Mexico 2017

"There  is nothing I can give you which you have not;
But there is much, very much that while I cannot give it,
 you can take.

No heaven can come to us unless our hearts
find rest in today.  TAKE HEAVEN.
No peace lies in the future which is not hidden
in this present moment.  TAKE PEACE.

The gloom of the world is but a shadow.
Behind it, yet within reach is joy.
There is a radiance and glory in the darkness, could we but see,
and to see we have only to look.  I BESEECH YOU TO LOOK.

Life is so generous a giver, but we, judging its gifts by
their covering, cast them away as ugly, or heavy or hard.
Remove the covering, and you will find beneath it
a living splendor, woven of love, by wisdom with power.

Welcome it, grasp it, and you touch the angel's hand that
brings it to you.  Everything we call a trial, a sorrow, or
a duty, believe me that angel's hand is there; the gift is there,
and the wonder of an overshadowing presence.
Our joys, too, be not content with them as joys.
They, too, conceal diviner gifts.

And so, at this time, I greet you.
Not quite as the world sends greetings, but with
profound esteem and with the prayer that for you now and
forever, the day breaks, and the shadows flee away."

Fra Giovanni, 1513 AD

Friday, December 15, 2017

12/15/17 Work In Progress - EARLY SNOW CLOUDS AT ALCALDE - New 30"x40" orig. oil

EARLY SNOW CLOUDS AT ALCADE - 30"x40" Work in Progress - Working with a color sketch instead of an underpainting....oil paint mixed with distilled turpentine over toned ground (gesso mixed with Payne's Grey)  Color Notes:  Sky - Payne's Grey, Permalba White and a little Prussian Blue. Mountains:  Prussian Blue, Burnt Sienna, Chrome Oxide Green Opaque.  Trees: Burnt Sienna and Yellow Ochre.  Foreground:  Holbein Rose Grey, Grey Warm Tint, Yellow Ochre and grey mixture from the sky.

Friday, December 08, 2017

WINTERLIGHT - Fine Art Prints, Greeting cards...

WINTERLIGHT (Tesuque, New Mexico) - Fine Art Prints, greeting cards and many more great gift items for home and office now available at FINE ART AMERICA!

Sunday, October 22, 2017

EL CALLE DE TRUCHAS - 22"x28" Original Oil Painting, Framed - available

EL CALLE DE TRUCHAS (Truchas, New Mexico) 22"x28" Original Oil Painting on Belgian Linen, now available for purchase direct from Chimayo Trading Del Norte (Ranchos de Taos Plaza) - http://donnaclairart.com/el-calle-de-truchas/ - (If you are interested in receiving my Studio Newsletter, just PM your e.mail address and I will add your name to my list of Art Friends to receive information about new paintings and prints. DC)

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

AUTUMN CHAPEL - Fine art prints, greeting cards.....

AUTUMN CHAPEL (Arroyo Seco, New Mexico) - Fine Art Prints, Greeting cards and many other great items for home and office now available at FINE ART AMERICA.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

NOCHECITA DE ABIQUIU - Fine art prints, posters.....

NOCHECITA DE ABIQUIU (New Mexico) - Fine art prints, greeting cards, posters and many other great items now available at FINE ART AMERICA.

Monday, October 16, 2017

CANTO HONDO (DEEP SONG - EL LLANO, NEW MEXICO) - Prints, greeting cards....

CANTO HONDO (DEEP SONG, Llano San Juan de Nepomuseno - New Mexico) Fine Art Prints, Greeting cards and many other fine items for home and office now available at FINE ART AMERICA.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

ELEGY FOR SUMMER (Vadito, New Mexico) - Prints, greeting cards.....

ELEGY FOR SUMMER (Vadito, New Mexico) - Fine art prints, greeting cards, posters and many other great items for home and office now available at FINE ART AMERICA.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

BEARERS OF LIGHT (Chichicastenango, Guatemala) - 30"x40" Original Oil, framed

BEARERS OF LIGHT (Chichicastenango, Guatemala - Men of the Cofradia of Santo Tomas Church) - 30"x40" Original Oil, on Belgian Linen, framed in Gold with Linen Liner. Preview Painting.

Good morning! A beautiful day in the neighborhood!  - Gave this painting to my brother, Jim, years ago right after it was completed.  Have always felt this is one of my best pieces.  Jim had it hanging in his Chicago office until he retired. Knowing that he has downsized and no longer has room in his home for this large piece, I have offered to sell it for him.  This piece would ship from Wisconsin and costs are included in the price of the painting.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

PUESTA DEL SOL - New 8"x16" Original Oil, framed

Studio No. 2117 - PUESTA DEL SOL (Setting Sun - Taos, New Mexico) - New 8"x16" Original Oil on Canvas, framed - Preview Painting.

ARCO DE IRIS (Taos, New Mexico - New 8"x16" Original Oil

Studio No. 2217 - ARCO DE IRIS - (Rainbow - Taos, New Mexico) - 8"x16" Original Oil on Canvas, framed - Preview Painting.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017


“The images of peace are ephemeral. The language of peace is subtle. The reasons for peace, the definitions of peace, the very idea of peace have to be invented, and invented again. Children, everybody, here’s what to do during war: In a time of destruction, create something. A poem. A parade. A community. A school. A vow. A moral principle. One peaceful moment.”—From THE FIFTH BOOK OF PEACE, Maxine Hong Kingston (Original Oil Painting "First Light" by Donna Clair).

Monday, August 21, 2017

LAST LIGHT AT TRUCHAS - Fine art prints, framed or unframed, greeting cards, posters and many other great items for home and office now available at FINE ART AMERICA.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

DIAS DE ORO (Days of Gold - Truchas, New Mexico - Prints, greeting cards.....

DIAS DE ORO (Days of Gold, Truchas, New Mexico) - 123 images now available from Donna Clair paintings - Fine Art Prints, Greeting cards, posters and many, many other great items for home and office - FINE ART AMERICA.

LOS CAMPOS DEL LLANO - NEW! 8"x16" Original Oil, framed

Studio No. 2017 - LOS CAMPOS DEL LLANO - New 8"x16" Original Oil, framed in gold with linen liner - Preview Painting.

Monday, August 14, 2017

RODARTE AFTERNOON - New 8"x16" Original Oil

Studio No. 1817 - RODARTE AFTERNOON (Rodarte, New Mexico) New 8"x16" Original Oil on Canvas, framed - Preview Painting.

MOUNTAIN TIME - NEW 16"X18" Original Oil Painting

Studio No. 1917 - MOUNTAIN TIME (on a backroad somewhere near Truchas, New Mexico) - New 16"18" Original Oil on Canvas, now available for purchase - Preview Painting.