Tuesday, August 13, 2013

STUDIO NO. 1313 - LLANO SAN JUAN, NEW 16"x20" Original Oil on Belgian Linen, Framed in Gold with Linen Liner.  Completed 8/13/13.  Click here to preview/purchase.

Hello from Tesuque!  Wow!  What an adventure so far!  A real monsoon season this year with hellacious thunderstorms - wind, hail - just everything!  Exciting - especially when the rain came through the roof in five different places - towels, buckets -- just short of having to get out the life preserver.  Phone and internet out for two days.  Roof repair this week sometime.  Went back to the  easel the next day as though nothing happened -- nothing monotonous around here; that's for sure!  Starting to  photograph the views from my Tesuque windows and will head down the road apiece this weekend - I love the little street sign that says "Margaritaville" along the dirt road.  Had a good time making this painting - it is for sale through my Online Gallery/Store and will be displayed on website Collector's Gallery - ENJOY!

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