Friday, June 24, 2022

DON GREGORIO'S WINTER FIELD (Truchas, N.M.) - 48"x36" Original Oil, framed

DON GREGORIO'S WINTER FIELD (Truchas, New Mexico) - 48"x36" Original Oil on Belgian Linen, framed - available

Thursday, June 23, 2022

SAN JOSE DE GRACIA (Las Trampas, N.M.) - 8"x10" Original Oil

SAN JOSE DE GRACIA (Las Trampas, New Mexico). - 8"x10" Original Oil on Linen Panel, framed in Gold with Linen Liner - available -

LA PUERTA (Ranchitos Road - Taos, New Mexico) - 8"x8" Original Oil - Available

LA PUERTA - (Ranchitos Road-Taos, New Mexico) 8"x8" Original Oil on Linen Panel, framed in gold with linen Liner -

VICTOR COURT (Taos, New Mexico) 9"x6" Original Oil, Framed - Available

VICTOR COURT (Taos, New Mexico) 9"x6" Original Oil on Linen Panel, framed -

Saturday, June 11, 2022


 WORD PAINTINGS #123 (How I Came to New Mexico and Learned about Art and Life) - UP IN SMOKE! -

Friday, June 10, 2022


Six new images as prints, posters, greeting cards and many other great items now available at Fine Art America - Over 150 images now online!

Sunday, June 05, 2022



                                          A MAN IS RICH AS HIS WOODPILE

WORD PAINTINGS #122 (How I Came to New Mexico and Learned about Art and Life) - BACK TO THE BEGINNING AGAIN!

Sunday, May 22, 2022


CANTO HONDO (DEEP SONG) - LLANO SAN JUAN - Over 18,000 of our Northern New Mexico neighbors have been displaced due to the Calf Canyon/Hermit's Peak Fire. Donations of clothing and food are being collected at the large Agricultural Building in back of the Sagebrush Inn. Pet food is being collected for the strays displaced by the fires at the Rodeo Grounds. Please share....

Thursday, May 19, 2022


 19 May 2022 - Llano Quemado, New Mexico

Two weeks ago I read the remarks by Clarence Thomas in regard to the public's response to Justice Alito's leaked decision to overturn Roe vs Wade.  Shocked and surprised by memories of another life, it was time for me to put the pieces together and admit to myself the unromantic truth of how I came to New Mexico 55 years ago. Broken and confused I had no idea of the long and amazing journey just ahead for my little family.

What is so disturbing to me is that pregnancy seems to be some form of immaculate conception used as a cudgel against the woman and her rights. Some states are proposing laws that will charge a woman, her doctor, or any helper with homicide with a sentence of ten years in prison.  The Texas law that offers a $10,000 bounty if there are any attempts to obtain an abortion. This same law has recently been adopted by Oklahoma. This is the wild west of political power and a woman's worst nightmare - losing control of her body and her very future.  This is the complete opposite of freedom.  What is missing here?  We suddenly find a government that refuses to acknowledge a man's contribution to abortion.  Men and their fertile sperm are never mentioned! The failure to hold a man accountable in any way for his part in the pregnancy and support of the woman and the child is mind-boggling.  Crusty old men are making decisions that will forever impact a woman's power to make choices.  Some salvation in the form of birth control is next item on their list of things to repeal and catapult us back to the Dark Ages of women's health care.  Question: Does birth control contribute to fewer abortions? Why ban birth control?

Men are one-half of the baby-making process!  Many men do it right and take responsibility for the babies they help bring into the world. Others seem to have no idea what makes a baby and prefer to blame the woman for getting pregnant in the first place - especially the Supreme Court Justices and the men they choose to ignore.  Struggled with myself whether or not to tell my truth at this is now or never! 


My labor pains began at four in the morning of December 9th 1966. Only five minutes apart we had no time to waste getting to the hospital.  My parents came to watch our 18 month old son until our regular babysitter could step in.  My husband taught English Literature at a small Catholic college in East Chicago, Indiana and our babysitter of some months was one of his students.  Leaving the house that morning I had no idea that this was one of the most significant days of my life. Revelations and changes would crush all my cozy dreams of a happy marriage to a highly regarded English professor, raising our babies together, and creating a good home for us to share - all vanished in one devastating phone call.

That call came one evening after dinner.  Our babysitter's mother told me that her daughter was pregnant and my husband was the father of her child!  Apparently she had gotten pregnant in my bed while I was in the hospital giving birth to the twins. My son was in his crib across the hall.  And, she asked, what was I going to do about it?  Exhausted from giving birth, I broke down and went to some dark never-land where I wanted to stay forever.  Called our physician who kindly made a house call and talked with me for a long time. He counseled me to leave.  Gratefully trauma has always led me to a level of numbness which allows me to go through the motions until I can gain my equilibrium.  Leaving was not an option.  The girls were only weeks old and on a every three hour feeding schedule. Their baby brother was in shock at not one but two new midnight howlers.  And there were a few more surprises to come!!

The babysitter and her family were strict Catholics.  Abortion was out of the question.  She was given an airplane ticket to Florida where she gave birth to a baby boy.  Her father was a made man and there was a contract put on my husband's life if he ever set foot in East Chicago again.  He lost his job.  We had no money. A good friend lived in Santa Fe. He rented a little adobe house for us.  I had one week to pack up the house before we could make our "getaway"!  We arrived in Santa Fe in August of 1967, about one month before the birth of his fourth child (in two years)!  That is the truth of how I came to New Mexico and Learned About Art and Life!!! But wait, there's more. 

The father of my children secured a teaching job at a local college.  Days after our divorce was final, he married one of his students, adopted her daughter and fathered two more children in a short span of time. They eventually divorced.  In a few short years he found himself the father of seven children none of whom he supported in any way!!!  Yes, Justice Thomas, life does begin at ejaculation!  Many years and three more marriages, I'm certain he gives no thought to the wreckage he has left behind.

What was lost in all this drama was my being able to live the fullness of life with my babies.  Most of the time I was terrified that we wouldn't have enough food, or that we would be evicted because I couldn't pay the rent.  If there were sicknesses (and there were many) I was the responsible party and had to pay the hospital bills instead of the utility bills.  Too early in their little lives they were latchkey children.  Anytime I had to take him to court for child support I was made to feel guilty for the divorce and expecting their father to be financially responsible for his children.  On the days he said he would visit he would "forget" and they would stand at the front window and sob.  These things will never be forgotten - it isn't even my job to forgive....I leave that to a higher authority.

Being raised Catholic, abortion was never an option for me.  Having friends who have had abortions, I know it is the most difficult decision anyone ever has to make.  During my high school years back alley abortions were common.  The wealthier families sent their daughters to some secret place to give birth and the baby was put up in "closed" adoptions - never to know their biological mother or father.  The boy was sent away and his name was never to be mentioned again.  Dark secrets forever.

Even though I am old, if I put myself in the position of young women today I am beyond rage at the patriarchy that continues to hold women hostage. I am pro CHOICE!  If most of our politicians were seriously questioned regarding their Christian principles, I am sure you would come away knowing in your heart it is only about the next election cycle.  How dare they?

Thursday, May 05, 2022



WORD PAINTINGS #120 (How I Came to New Mexico and Learned About Life and Art) - A CRUEL SEASON

4 May 2022 (Llano Quemado, New Mexico) - View from my kitchen window: What began as a few plumes of white over towards Las Vegas on or about the 20th of April became 75,000 acres forest fire on Friday; as of this morning it has grown to 160,000 acres and it is only 20% contained.  Evacuation centers are open in Penasco and Taos - the towns of Mora and Las Vegas are under severe threat and total evacuation.  The cause seems to be a "controlled burn" by the Forest Service. Homes, vacation cabins, livestock, wildlife - gone.  Have been roaming the roads in these villages for 55 years - so many beautiful days!  Heavy smoke from this fire and the one burning in Jemez. Fear, sadness - deep grief.  Prayers for the firefighters, all those evacuees - we need prayers - and a lot of rain! 

Our clear and present danger sure takes the attention off the war in Ukraine.  Ali Velshi is back home covering all the abortion news.  President Zelensky's fear that the world will look away from the horror and destruction is becoming a reality.  Less news from there this past week.  They say no news is good news.  That doesn't feel right.  The gung ho enthusiasm for the Ukranian fighting spirit isn't quite as loud and bullish as it was.  Imagine Ukraine a year from now - will these brave people will still be fighting this fake-made up war?  Will the devastation be so complete that the rest of the world will be forced to look away?  Considering that all of Europe is under threat now it is hard to imagine that will happen.  Heard Chef Jose Andres say this country will need a Marshall Plan in order to rebuild.  Prayers for the Ukranian people.

Ah, and then there is our "Supreme Court" and their leaked decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. Crusty old men and one evangelical white woman with a really annoying voice are deciding the fate of American women - and men.  Think the dog has caught the car this time and they have taken too big a bite out of women's rights.  No doubt they will come for LGBT rights, birth control, gay marriage - power and control.  Their fear of the changing demographics in this country is palpable.  If I was a defeatist, I would say that we are screwed!  Scary men are doing scary things under the guise of protecting our freedom and liberty - all in the name of Christianity.  Sadly Christ is nowhere to be found in this New World Order. Considering their ex-President is acknowledged to be a serial sex offender and two of the Justices are alleged sex dare they? Prayers for the Justices of the Supreme Court.

Graduated from high school in 1957 - and Roe v. Wade became law in 1973.  Yes I remember the "good old days".  Wealthy families in Chicago Heights and Flossmoor sent their girls to Florida to have an abortion or give birth and put their babies up for adoption.  My best friend returned from her Florida trip to find a surprise from her daddy - a white Cadillac convertible - she felt no joy when we all piled in with her for our evening "joy rides". She was always sad and broken and I know that every day of her life she thought about her baby.  In our town there was a three story brick house with a long flight of stairs going to the top floor.  Everyone knew that was the place where girls from not so wealthy families took care of their problem. This is what I know is true....I believe in the right to choose.  I believe this, in most cases, is a the most painful choice a woman will ever have to make, but it is her CHOICE.   We are at the mercy of a sweeping authoritarian movement. Prayers for all women everywhere today.

PS: The smoky skies have cleared this afternoon - praying for rain.  DC

Tuesday, May 03, 2022


Prayers for the north country - Mora, Las Vegas, Jemez - Have been wandering these roads for 55 years beautiful places, wonderful people - many, many paintings...heartbroken. (Capilla de Guadalupita - 2004)

Friday, April 29, 2022


WORD PAINTINGS #119 (How I Came to New Mexico and Learned About Art and Life) - GOING TO SANCTUARY - (Work in Progress 30"x24" Original Oil Evening Shadows)

Sunday, April 24, 2022


WORD PAINTINGS #118 (How I Came to New Mexico and learned about Art and Life) - EARTH, WIND AND FIRE! -

Friday, April 22, 2022

5-Day Auction - CUNDIYO (Cundiyo, N.M.) 6"x6" Original Oil - SOLD

5-DAY AUCTION ending April 27 - CUNDIYO (Cundiyo, New Mexico) - 6"x6" Original Oil on Linen Panel - SOLD

5-Day Auction - U.S.HILL (Taos, New Mexico) 6"x6" Original Oil - SOLD


5-DAY AUCTION ending April 27 - U.S.Hill (Taos, New Mexico) - 6"x6" Original Oil on Linen Panel - SOLD

Saturday, April 16, 2022


WORD PAINTINGS #117 (How I Came to New Mexico and Learned About Art and Life) - A CANDLE FOR GRAMPA JIM -

BEARERS OF LIGHT - Chichicastenango, Guatemala 1991

 BEARERS OF LIGHT (Original Painting by Donna Clair) - - Easter Sunday 1991 -The Cofradia - Santo Tomas Church Chichicastenango, Guatemala

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

CENTINELAS DE ORO - NEW! 30"x40" Original Oil - NFS

 Studio #1322 - CENTINELAS DE ORO (Rio Grande at Pilar, New Mexico) New! 30"x40" Original Oil - NFS

Wednesday, March 02, 2022

CENTINELAS DE ORO - 30"x40" WORK IN PROGRESS (Underpainting) - Color Notes

3/2/22 - ON MY EASEL TODAY! CENTINELAS DE ORO - 30"x40" Work in Progress - Underpainting:  Colors blocked in with MG Underpainting White and Winsor Newton English Distilled Turpentine.  Sky"Misty Blue, Kings Blue. Mountains: Prussian Blue, Diox. Purple, Rose Grey.  Treeees: Cadmium Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Gold Ochre, Burnt Sienna. - Repeat for foreground.


Sunday, February 27, 2022



Friday, February 25, 2022

AUTUMN LEAVES - NEW! 12"x9" Original Oil, Framed

Studio No. 1222 - AUTUMN LEAVES - NEW! 12"x9" Original Oil, Framed in Gold with Linen Liner - now available at Chimayo Trading Del Norte.

Thursday, February 24, 2022

ALPENGLOW (Taos, New Mexico) - New! 24"x24" Original Oil - Sold

Studio #1122 - ALPENGLOW (Ranchitos Road - Taos, New Mexico) - NEW! 24"x24" Original Oil, Framed - now available at Chimayo Trading del Norte.  Sold

Thursday, February 17, 2022


                               ALPENGLOW - 20"x20" Work in Progress.


AUTUMN LEAVES - 12"x9 Work in Progress.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

ALPENGLOW - NEW! 24"x24" (Work in ProgressII-Glaze)

ALPENGLOW - NEW! 24"x24" Original Oil - Work in Progress - Overglaze: Vermillion, Cadmium Yellow and Thalo Rose Red - thinned with Grumbacher Matte Medium.

Friday, February 11, 2022


ALPENGLOW - NEW 20"x20" Original Oil - Work in Progress (Underpainting) - Oil colors mixed with MG Underpainting White and thinned with English distilled Turpentine. Top Sky:Misty Blue,King's Blue - Permalba White.  Mid sky - the blue mixed with Thalo Rose Red - next Thalo Rose Red and Permalba White - Cadmium Yellow.   Mountains - Some of the above blue mixture - added Prussian Blue. Trees - Mars Orange - Burnt Sienna. Foreground Yellow ochre - Cadmium Yellow.

Tuesday, February 08, 2022

PRIVATE ROAD - NEW! 8"x10" Original Oil, framed

Studio #1022 - PRIVATE ROAD (Taos, New Mexico) - NEW! 8"x10" Original Oil on linen panel, framed -

Friday, February 04, 2022


AFTERNOON MOON (Placita, New Mexico) - NEW! 8"x10" Original Oil on linen panel, framed -

Tuesday, February 01, 2022

OJO SARCO PASTORAL - NEW!! 8"x10" Original Oil, framed

OJO SARCO PASTORAL - NEW! 8"x10" Original Oil on Italian Linen Panel, framed - available

Monday, January 31, 2022

NEW! GOOD FENCES - 10"x10" Original Oil, Framed

NEW! GOOD FENCES (Santistevan Lane - Taos, New Mexico) - 10"x10" Original Oil on Canvas, framed - now available at Chimayo Trading del Norte.

Saturday, January 29, 2022

NEW! PLACITA - 8"x10" Original Oil


Studio # 622 - PLACITA (Placita, New Mexico) - NEW! 8"x10" Original Oil on Linen Panel, framed in gold with linen liner - available at Online Gallery.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

NEW!! HEAVEN'S GATE - 8"x8" Original Oil, Framed

 Studio #322 - HEAVEN'S GATE - NEW! 8"X8" Original Oil on linen panel, framed now available - Online Gallery Store.


Studio #222 - THREE PUMPKINS AND A LITTLE BLUE WINDOW (Tesuque, New Mexico) - New 8"x8" Original Oil, Framed - Online Gallery Store!

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

ON MY EASEL - 1/26/22

1/26/22 (Llano Quemado, New Mexico) ON MY EASEL TODAY - also five NEW small paintings now availabe from my Online Gallery/Store!!! ENJOY!!!

Wednesday, December 29, 2021


WORD PAINTINGS #113 (How I Came to New Mexico and learned about Art & Life) - INTO THE DREAMTIME -

Tuesday, December 21, 2021



20 December 2021 (Llano Quemado, New Mexico) Today my studio is fresh with some New Beginnings - planning to send newsletters right after the first of the year; in the meantime....

This painting is "Winter Gifts". The original of this work was "adopted" by some great friends and very prolific art collectors years ago and still resides in a lovely home in Taos. The street in this painting is the main street in Truchas -- I walked to the post office from my little adobe house every day and still keep the memories of that special time and place very close. The woman is the memory I've kept of my little Polish grandmother, Ella -- she carried a shopping bag with her everywhere -- those were her "gifts" her "surprises". The words of Fra Giovanni never fail to inspire and uplift - especially at this time of the year. From my heart I wish each and every one of you all the best of this holiday season -- Hug someone special today!

Sincere best wishes, Donna

"There is nothing I can give you which you have not;

But there is much, very much that while I cannot give it,

you can take.

No heaven can come to us unless our hearts

find rest in today. TAKE HEAVEN.

No peace lies in the future which is not hidden

in this present moment. TAKE PEACE.

The gloom of the world is but a shadow.

Behind it, yet within reach is joy.

There is a radiance and glory in the darkness, could we but see,

and to see we have only to look. I BESEECH YOU TO LOOK.

Life is so generous a giver, but we, judging its gifts by

their covering, cast them away as ugly, or heavy or hard.

Remove the covering, and you will find beneath it

a living splendor, woven of love, by wisdom with power.

Welcome it, grasp it, and you touch the angel's hand that

brings it to you. Everything we call a trial, a sorrow, or

a duty, believe me that angel's hand is there; the gift is there,

and the wonder of an overshadowing presence.

Our joys, too, be not content with them as joys.

They, too, conceal diviner gifts.

And so, at this time, I greet you.

Not quite as the world sends greetings, but with

profound esteem and with the prayer that for you now and

forever, the day breaks, and the shadows flee away."

Fra Giovanni, 1513 AD

Wednesday, November 24, 2021


Best wishes to all for a Happy Thanksgiving!!! "OUR DAILY BREAD" (Taos Pueblo - Taos, New Mexico) - Still grateful for this wonderful day with artist and friend Dan Bodelson. We bought that splendiferous loaf of bread straight from the oven. Best lunch ever!! Must have been over 50 years ago - so Grateful!!!!

Wednesday, November 03, 2021

THUNDERSPIRITS - NEW! 40"x30" Original Oil, framed

HOT OFF THE EASEL! THUNDERSPIRITS (Llano Quemado, New Mexico) - NEW! 40"x30" Original Oil on Belgian Linen, framed - Now available for purchase at Chimayo Trading Del Norte - Ranchos de Taos Plaza, New Mexico.

Tuesday, November 02, 2021

Sunday, October 31, 2021

RIO CHIQUITO (New Mexico) - Prints, greeting cards, posters.....

RIO CHIQUITO (New Mexico) - Greeting cards, prints, posters and many other great items now available at Fine Art America -

Saturday, October 30, 2021

PUESTA DEL SOL (Taos, New Mexico) - Greeting cards, prints....

PUESTA DEL SOL (Taos, New Mexico) - Greeting cards, prints, posters and many other great items now available at Fine Art America -

Friday, October 29, 2021

CAPILLA DE SANTO NINO (Amalia, New Mexico) - Greeting, cards, prints, posters.....

 CAPILLA DE SANTO NINO (Amalia, New Mexico) - Greeting cards, prints, posters and many other great items now available at Fine Art America.

Tuesday, October 05, 2021

SUNDAY WITH SARAH - NEW! 20"x20" Original Oil on Linen, framed - Sold

Studio #2921 - SUNDAY WITH SARAH (Ranchitos Road - Taos, New Mexico) - NEW! 20"x20" Original Oil, Framed in gold with linen liner....Sold

Friday, October 01, 2021

LOS RECUERDOS (Alcalde, New Mexico) - NEW! 10"x8" Original Oil, Framed

Studio #2721 - LOS RECUERDOS (Alcalde, New Mexico) NEW! 10"x8" Original Oil on Linen Panel- framed in gold with linen liner....

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

RIO CHAMA (Abiquiu, New Mexico) - NEW! 9"x9" Originl Oil on Linen Panel, Framed

Studio #2621 - RIO CHAMA (Abiquiu, New Mexico) - NEW! Original Oil on Linen Panel, framed in gold with linen liner....

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

VICTOR COURT (Taos, New Mexico) - NEW! 8"x6" Original Oil, Framed

Studio #2521-VICTOR COURT (Taos, New Mexico). NEW! 8"x6" Original Oil on linen panel, framed in gold with linen liner -

Friday, September 24, 2021

TAOS PASTORAL - NEW! 8"x10" Original Oil, Framed - SOLD

TAOS PASTORAL (Taos, New Mexico) NEW! 8"x10" Original Oil on linen panel, framed in gold with Linen Liner - SOLD

Thursday, September 23, 2021

LLANO QUEMADO SUNSET - NEW! 6"x9" Original Oil, Framed

LLANO QUEMADO SUNSET (Llano Quemado, New Mexico) - NEW! 6"x9" Original Oil, framed in gold with linen liner -

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

CASITA DE LA CRUZ (Questa, New Mexico) - NEW! 6"x8" Original Oil

Studio #2321 - CASITA DE LA CRUZ (Questa, New Mexico - NEW! 6"x8" Original Oil on Linen Panel, framed in gold with linen liner -

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

LA PUERTA DE SAN JOSE DE GRACIA - NEW! 8"x8" Original Oil - Sold

Studio #2221 - LA PUERTA DE SAN JOSE DE GRACIA (Las Trampas, New Mexico) - NEW! 8"x8" Original Oil - Sold

Wednesday, September 15, 2021


 Llano Quemado 9/15/21 - From the little bench on the front portal - the clouds were so spectacular all day - I photographed until my little camera told me its "battery was exhausted"!