©DonnaClair2006 -- All rights reserved under Federal Copyright Law.
(UNDERPAINTING - 20"x30" Orig. Oil on Fine Artist's Canvas)
Color sketch over a "toned ground" - the canvas is covered with two to four layers of gesso mixed with Payne's Grey. This mixture can be thinned (one part water to two or three parts gesso) so that the interstices of the canvas are filled and create a smoother painting surface. For more texture, tone the gesso, but don't add water.
The "color sketch" -- a loose version of the finished painting is done using colors mixed with M-G White or Foundation White. Important to see "underneath" the colors of the completed painting -- this phase of the painting shines through the glazes and even the middle tones and final opaque highlights.
The "color sketch" -- a loose version of the finished painting is done using colors mixed with M-G White or Foundation White. Important to see "underneath" the colors of the completed painting -- this phase of the painting shines through the glazes and even the middle tones and final opaque highlights.